Data protection

Privacy Policy – Online Shop
(As of: 07.01.2021)


The protection of your personal data is a special responsibility for us. Adolf Darbo AG therefore processes your data only in accordance with the legal regulations. In this privacy policy we inform you about the personal data we process as well as your rights.

1. Controller

The controller responsible for data processing as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") is:

Adolf Darbo AG, FN 46033x

represented by the board members Martin Darbo und KR Adolf Darbo

Address: Dornau 18, 6135 Stans, Österreich

Tel.: 0043 / 5242 / 6951



2. Processing in the context of business activity

2.1. Processed data

Which personal data we process depends on the specific context. If you contact us by e-mail or via the contact form on our website, the personal data you provide voluntarily will be stored depending on the reason for making contact. In addition to master data, e.g. name and e-mail address and any other contact data you provide, this may also be, for example, the transferred application documents, reasons for a complaint or messages, depending on your issue. If you participate in one of our prize competitions, your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address will normally be required. This personal data will be processed by us or by a commissioned cooperation partner in the course of processing the prize competition.

Insofar as a business relationship exists with you or we have made contact with each other for a business reason in order to initiate a business relationship, we will record and process the personal data you provide voluntarily as well as the personal data that arises in the course of processing business matters. This will be, for example, your professional contact data and, if applicable, contact data relating to your employees, the position and/or function of contact persons, bank details, VAT number, concluded agreements, turnover, correspondence, and if necessary we will also obtain information from registers such as the commercial register or information about your credit standing.


2.2. Purposes and legal basis for data processing

We process your personal data for to deal with your concern or message, or to process a prize competition if you participate in one, to carry out pre-contractual measures, for fulfilment of contractual or statutory duties, for initiating and processing business relationships, for supplier and customer relationship management and to inform business partners about new products or activities and, if necessary, to defend against or pursue legal claims.

Your personal data is processed because you have granted your consent for this, because the processing is necessary for fulfilment of contractual duties or to carry out pre-contractual measures, for fulfilment of legal obligations (e.g. compliance with statutory preservation and documentation duties) or on the basis of our justified interest in achieving the above-mentioned purposes. Personal data of consumers is not used for direct marketing activities without the explicit consent.


3. Data processing via the website

3.1. Server log files

When you visit our website, the server records information which your browser sends automatically when you visit a website. This includes, for example, the browser type used and the version, language settings, IP address, date and time of accessing our website, the operating system used, if applicable the name and URL of the website from which the access comes (known as the referrer URL), and if applicable other similar information that helps to guarantee the functionality and security of our IT systems.

This information is stored in a log file until the time of automatic deletion on the basis of our justified interest in guaranteeing the user friendliness and functionality of our website, to guarantee and analyze system security and stability, to optimize the contents of the website and the advertising for it, for administrative purposes and for provision to law-enforcement authorities. The recorded data is not used to identify you personally unless this is necessary to trace unauthorized access to our IT systems. There is no profiling.


3.2. Cookies

Cookies are used on this website. If you continue to use our website and if your browser is set to accept our cookies, we will assume that you consent to the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files which store information about the website user on the user’s computer.

Cookies are downloaded by your Internet browser when you visit a website for the first time. Some cookies are extremely useful, since they can enhance the experience for users who are returning to a website which they have already visited. This makes the website more user-friendly, since the website content can be directly tailored to the user’s interests.

You can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings. The procedure for controlling and deleting cookies varies, depending on which browser you use. You will find information about how to change the settings in your browser’s help function. Blocking cookies may result in a restriction of the functionality of this website.

Cookies used on this website:


Purpose / type of date


Cookie Type


These cookies store temporary data to enable the functionality of the website. During the website visit.

Session, First Party Cookie


This cookie is used for security purposes (e.g. to protect against csrf attacks). During the website visit.

Session, First Party Cookie


These cookies enable improvements to be made to the convenience and performance of websites and various functions to be provided. For example, language settings can be stored in function cookies.

Some of the cookies placed for this purpose are removed from your device automatically as soon as you close your browser. Others may be stored for a period of up to 24 months from your last visit to our website.

Persistent, First Party Cookie


Cookie for Cookie-Message

12 months

Persistent, First Party Cookie


Language setting of the website During the website visit

Session, First Party Cookie


CMS session cookie to remember settings During the website visit

Session, First Party Cookie


Vimeo Player

Some of the cookies placed for this purpose are removed from your device automatically as soon as you close your browser. Others may be stored for a period of up to 24 months from your last visit to our website.

Persistent/Session, Third Party Cookie


The __cfduid-cookie is used to cancel all security restrictions that depend on the visitor's IP address. If, for example, the visitor is in a café with several infected computers but his computer is assessed as trustworthy, the cookie may cancel the security settings. It is not linked with a user ID in the web application, and the cookie does not store any personal information. Please note: This cookie is essential for the security of the website and cannot be disabled.

12 months

Persistent, Third Party Cookie

The cookies comply with the provisions of section 96 paragraph 3 of the Austrian Telecommunications Act 2003 (TKG 2003).


3.3. Online Shop

We use the platform Shopify Inc. ("Shopify") as a shop system. When you place an order in our shop, you agree to storage and processing of your personal data by Shopify. Personal data is processed by the Irish subsidiary Shopify International Ltd. Shopify shares personal data with other Shopify subsidiaries and service providers based in countries outside the EU, including Canada and the USA, in compliance with EU law. This storage, processing and transfer of data takes place for the purpose of supporting and processing your orders, authenticating you, processing payments and improving Shopify's services. For more detailed information on Shopify's terms and conditions of use as well as data protection, please visit:


3.4. Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web advertising service provided by Google Inc. USA (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are stored on your computer and used to analyse your use of the website. We process your data on the basis of our overriding justified interests in cost-efficient production of website access statistics that are easy to use. The information about your use of this website generated by the cookie (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google uses this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities for the operators of the website and to provide other services related to website and Internet use. Google may also pass on this information to third parties as prescribed by law or so that third parties can process this data on Google’s behalf. Google will not, under any circumstances, associate your IP address with other Google data. You can prevent cookies from being installed on your computer by adjusting the appropriate setting in your browser software. Blocking cookies may result in a restriction of the functionality of this website. By using this website, you are agreeing that the data collected about you can be processed by Google as described above and for the aforementioned purpose.

You also have the option of anonymising your IP address in Google Analytics. You can use the following link to find more information:

You can also prevent Google from recording the data generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plugin which is available via the following link:


3.5. Third parties

Please note that this website contains embedded content from third parties which also use their own cookies. We have no control over these cookies and no knowledge about the full content of the transmitted data or its use by the relevant third parties. We therefore recommend that you find out from the relevant third-party websites which cookies are used and which control options are available to you.

We use Google Maps on our website to provide you with convenient use of the map function. You will find information about data collection and processing in the terms and conditions of use at:

Videos on our website are embedded by the video service Vimeo. You can find information about your options for controlling the cookies stored by this website by visiting:

If you make use of the option to share content from this website with friends via social media networks such as Facebook or Twitter, cookies may be stored by these third parties. In particular, your visit to our website may be associated with your user account. For more information, please go to: and


4. Disclosure of your personal data

Your personal data will only be disclosed to third parties if this is necessary for fulfilment of the purpose of the contract, for fulfilment of legal obligations or to assert legal claims and only if it is permissible under data protection law.

Personal data relevant in an individual case is, amongst other things, transferred to external service providers (e.g. IT service providers), third parties engaged for business responsibilities (e.g. carriers, parcel service companies, tax advisers, banks, insurance companies, legal advisers), courts and authorities or public offices. Your personal data is not sold to third parties or marketed in any other way.


5. Retention period

As a matter of principle, we store your personal data as long as necessary for fulfilment of the purpose and legally permissible, in particular until the expiry of statutory documentation and preservation periods or statutory expiry periods for potential legal claims. Application documents that you send will only be stored beyond the duration of the statutory expiry and preservation periods if you have expressly consented to record-keeping or if your application results in an employment relationship with Adolf Darbo AG.


6. Your rights

You have rights to information, rectification, erasure, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection in accordance with the requirements of data protection law. If we process data on the basis of your consent, you also have the right to revoke this consent although this will not affect the legality of any processing that occurred based on consent up to the point of revocation. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the regulatory authority if you believe that the processing of your data is in breach of data protection law. In Austria this is the Data Protection Authority.

If you have questions or concerns about the processing of your personal data, you can contact us at the above address or by e-mail on:

Privacy Policy for Download (PDF)